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Staffing News

21 June 2023

I am pleased to communicate with you that Miss Bec Mattner has been appointed to the role of Education Administration Leader at St Paul Lutheran School. This role was previously filled by Miss Jess Robinson, who was appointed to Deputy Principal: Wellbeing. Bec Mattner has been supporting this role in Semester 1, and is a highly respected leader and administrator in the school. Please join me in congratulating Bec for this appointment.

As a flow on effect, we have notified families of Year 4 Coleman that Miss Claire Fisher will be taking the Year 4 class for the remainder of the year. Thank you to Claire for this flexibility to adapt to the classroom for Semester 2 from an Inclusive Education role.

We thank Miss Annabel Coleman for her fabulous work with the Year 4 children this semester and pray for God’s blessing on her as she travels overseas.

After a recent interview process, we will soon be announcing some additional LSO support roles to assist classroom teachers and Danielle Nak with Inclusive Education priorities. Thank you to Danielle for her involvement in this reorganisation and appointment process.